Brokers will sell the Variable Annuities. We will not.
I stopped selling them many years ago. Also, I have found that Variable Annuities can lose money. They have the potential to lose money in the cash values, possibly at the time they are most needed. Plus the high fee’s associated with them.
We represent only the Fixed Annuities. Fixed Annuities include the Basic Fixed Annuity. The Fixed Index Annuity and the Immediate Annuity. FYI: Your Social Security is an immediate annuity.
Richard Goodrum, RICPA
Losses are not found with fixed Annuities.
Annuities eliminate the Sequence of Returns.
A little known fact that occurs with Stocks, but not Annuities.
Example of the Sequence of Returns.
The reasons for purchasing a FIXED Annuity are simple.
# 1 REASON IS THE SAFETY,Not found with a Variable annuity.
• NO LOSSES due to the Market volitily.
•Tax Deferred growth, similar to an IRA or 401K
•Increasing income that you can never outlive.
•Ideal for LTC Planning
•Replace Near Zero interest Bank CD’s
• NO 1099, no taxes on the growth until you take money out.
• Private. Only you and the Insurance company are aware of it.
• Passes to your spouse tax free.
•Passes to heirs outside of any Probate.
And the list continues.
A few of the companies we work with
For more information regarding annuities.
Please contact us.
With the various companies, we have several companies and plans to match your needs.
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